2024-Fall-CSCE566-Data Mining
Graduate Course, CSCE, ULL, 2024
Class Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30PM to 3:45PM.
Room: James R. Oliver, Room 119A.
This course covers fundamental methods and techniques for analyzing and mining real-world data, including topics such as big data analysis, classification, clustering, association rule mining, and representation learning.
Learning Objectives
- Understand basic concepts and techniques of data mining.
- Perform data preprocessing such as data cleaning, normalization, transformation, and dimensionality reduction.
- Analyze data using various supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
- Apply state-of-the-art data mining technology to real-world applications.
CMPS 460, or consent with instructor
Instructor and Office Hours
Instructor | Dr. Min Shi |
Office | Oliver 350 |
Office Hours | Appointment only |
Phone | (337) 482-8410 |
min.shi@louisiana.edu |
Lecture Schedule
Index | Topics | Events |
1 | Introduction to class and data mining | |
2 | Frequent itemset mining | HW1 out |
3 | Matrix data mining | |
4 | Text data mining | |
5 | Image data mining | |
6 | Graph data mining | |
7 | Time-series data mining | |
8 | Data mining challenges | |
9 | Introduction to deep learning | |
10 | Application: medical image classification | |
11 | Selected paper presentation |
This course does not have a required textbook. All necessary readings and materials will be made available on the course website.
Interested learners are recommended to the following texts:
- Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Hanghang Tong. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques. 4th edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2023.
- Wes McKinneyz. Python for Data Analysis, 3E. O’Reilly, 2023.
- Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Peter Gedeck. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists . O’Rielly, 2016.
- James Garth, Witten Daniela, Hastie Trevor, Tibshirani Robert. An Introduction to Statistical Learning . Springer, 2021/2023.
- Tan P., Steinbach M., Kumar V., Introduction to Data Mining , 2ed., Pearson, 2018, ISBN 978-0133128901
Course Grading Scale
90-100% | A |
80-89% | B |
70-79% | C |
60‐69% | D |
0‐59% | F |
Course Evaluation Method
Item | Percentage | Note |
Homework | 30% | 2 HWs |
Midterm exam | 20% | |
Paper presentation | 20% | |
Project report and code | 30% |
Homework (30%)
- HW1.
- Due:
- HW2.
- Due:
HW Note: All HWs due by the end of the day, Central Time.
Reading Assignment (30%)
Project (30%)